Final Fantasy 14 - Leves
Final Fantasy 14 Leves
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Name | Rank | Class (Rank) | Location |
A Blind Fool | 10 | Alchemist | Ul'dah Merchant Strip |
A Mother's Delicacies | 1 | Alchemist | Camp Bentbranch |
A Sticky Situation | 1 | Alchemist | Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks |
Arboreal Alchemy | 5 | Alchemist | Camp Nine Ivies |
Baderon's New Soles | 1 | Alchemist | Camp Bearded Rock |
Blue In The Eye | 10 | Alchemist | Camp Horizon |
Chalk On Ice | 1 | Alchemist | Ul'dah Merchant Strip |
Chalking It Up | 1 | Alchemist | Gridania |
Feeding The Trainees | 10 | Alchemist | Camp Skull Valley |
Flowers For Steel | 10 | Alchemist | Camp Black Brush |
Growing Strains | 5 | Alchemist | Camp Emerald Moss |
Keeping It Green | 5 | Alchemist | Camp Bentbranch |
Momodi's Condiment Conundrum | 1 | Alchemist | Camp Black Brush |
Preserving The Region | 1 | Alchemist | Camp Bluefog |
Provisioning Broken Water | 15 | Alchemist | Camp Broken Water |
Right As Rubber | 1 | Alchemist | Ul'dah Merchant Strip |
Saint Allene's Fire | 1 | Alchemist | Camp Drybone |
Starveling Soldiers | 10 | Alchemist | Camp Bloodshore |
Training And Eating | 10 | Alchemist | Camp Bearded Rock |
A Mother's Foundry | 1 | Armourer | Camp Bentbranch |
A Rock Wired | 10 | Armourer | Camp Bearded Rock |
A Step Ahead | 5 | Armourer | Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks |
Baderon's New Barbuts | 1 | Armourer | Camp Bearded Rock |
Battered And Bent | 10 | Armourer | Ul'dah Merchant Strip |
Buckling Down | 5 | Armourer | Camp Black Brush |
Buckling Under | 5 | Armourer | Camp Horizon |
Dead Ringers | 10 | Armourer | Camp Iron Lake |
In Sod We Rust | 10 | Armourer | Camp Emerald Moss |
Mailed Sailors | 1 | Armourer | Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks |
Momodi's Sturdy Suits | 1 | Armourer | Camp Black Brush |
Provisioning Drybone | 15 | Armourer | Camp Drybone |
Readying The Rose | 1 | Armourer | Lower La Noscea |
Running Rings | 1 | Armourer | Camp Skull Valley |
Seeing Sallets To The See | 15 | Armourer | Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks |
Spoiled Sheets | 10 | Armourer | Camp Bentbranch |
Springripple Rising | 10 | Armourer | Camp Nine Ivies |
Tending To Tendons | 10 | Armourer | Gridania |
Watching The Knoll | 10 | Armourer | Camp Bald Knoll |
Watching The Shore | 5 | Armourer | Camp Bloodshore |
A Mother's Cutlery | 1 | Blacksmith | Camp Bentbranch |
A Want Of Weapons | 5 | Blacksmith | Limsa Lominsa Lower Decks |
All Out Of Ingots | 1 | Blacksmith | Lower La Noscea |
Baderon's New Sword | 1 | Blacksmith | Camp Bearded Rock |
Fruits Of A Vintner's Whinings | 15 | Blacksmith | Camp Bloodshore |
Got Ingots | 1 | Blacksmith | Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks |
Hammering The Point | 1 | Blacksmith | Camp Black Brush |
Looking To The Horizon | 5 | Blacksmith | Camp Horizon |
Making Headway | 20 | Blacksmith | Gridania |
Molten Metal | 10 | Blacksmith | Camp Drybone |
Momodi's Dancing Daggers | 1 | Blacksmith | Camp Black Brush |
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- Patch 1.17b Notes (05/23/2011) 23rd May 2020
- All Worlds Maintenance (May 23) 22nd May 2020
- Battle Reform Blueprint (05/19/2011) 22nd May 2020
- Letter from the Producer, X (05/20/2011) 20th May 2020
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